Travel Award

The Office for Undergraduate Research (OUR) offers travel awards of up to $500 to UNC-Chapel Hill undergraduate students to defray the cost of travel to present results of their research or creative performance at a professional conference in their field. … Continued


The Innovate Carolina Dreamers-Who-Do Award is meant to expand the minds and real-world experiences of our student entrepreneurs. With the plethora of opportunities students are exposed to through the award, they are creating waves of positive change within their communities. Positive … Continued

GPSF Travel Award

Graduate and Professional Student Federation (GPSF) can provide funding for your conference or research travel if NO other funding is available through other means, such as department funding, grants, or funds from your Advisor, Principle Investigator (PI), or Mentor. We … Continued

Jon Curtis Student Enrichment Fund (SEF)

The Jon Curtis Student Enrichment Fund (SEF) is a student-led initiative of Student Government and the Carolina Union that provides monthly $200-$600 grants to students to pursue personal, professional, and academic interests away from Carolina. Our grants are awarded without … Continued

Conference Travel Award

The Office for Undergraduate Research (OUR) announces the availability of awards (up to $500) to UNC-Chapel Hill undergraduate students to defray the cost of travel (not hotel, registration or food) to present results of their research or creative performance at … Continued

Churchill Scholarship

The Churchill Scholarship, first distributed in 1963, was set up at the request of Sir Winston Churchill in order to fulfill his vision of US-UK scientific exchange with the goal of advancing science and technology on both sides of the … Continued

Lesher Opportunity Fund

The James and Eleanor Lesher Educational Opportunity in Philosophy Fund provides undergraduates with support to attend conferences, study abroad, develop language skills, or pursue other special opportunities.Thanks to a very generous gift from James and Eleanor Lesher, we now have … Continued