Robin Clark Experience

This award honors the memory of Robin Weaver Clark, a wonderful journalist who attended the school from 1973-77 and who was killed in a car accident aged 40 in 1995. Clark was in Los Angeles covering the O.J. Simpson trial … Continued

William J. Arey, Jr. International Communications Award

Awarded to a student in the school whose career goals are to cover international, political and economic events or work in the field of public diplomacy. Preference given to students from North Carolina. The donor prefers that the award be … Continued

Chuck Stone Citizen of the World Award

The Chuck Stone Citizen of the World Award is given to a School of Media and Journalism undergraduate major or majors who propose to travel to other countries to pursue programs of study or to work on projects related to … Continued

Kenan Biddle Partnership Grant

The Kenan-Biddle Partnership, funded by the William R. Kenan Charitable Trust and The Mary Duke Biddle Foundation, offers  grants up to $5,000 to accepted project proposals that enhance the intellectual life at both universities by strengthening established or encouraging new … Continued


The Innovate Carolina Dreamers-Who-Do Award is meant to expand the minds and real-world experiences of our student entrepreneurs. With the plethora of opportunities students are exposed to through the award, they are creating waves of positive change within their communities. Positive … Continued

Bridge Year Fellowship

The Global Gap Year Bridge Year Fellowship is awarded to a second semester sophomore who will take a year away from UNC to engage in international service before returning in the following fall. At this time we will only be … Continued

Peacock Fellowship

The James and Florence Peacock Fellowship given by Carolina for Kibera offers UNC-CH graduate and undergraduate students the opportunity to apply their skills and talents with a UNC-affiliated nonprofit. The year-long fellowship begins in the Spring semester, and the fellow … Continued

Robert E. Bryan Fellowship

The Robert E. Bryan Fellowship in the APPLES Service-Learning program is designed for undergraduate student teams interested in creating social impact locally and/or globally through the creation of an innovative project that addresses a community-identified need. The fellowship provides practical … Continued

SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship)

SURF recipients are expected to engage in undergraduate research, scholarship, or performance for at least 9 weeks, with a minimum of 20 hours/week during the summer (May-August). Please note that some projects may require more than the minimum of 20 … Continued

Davis Projects for Peace Award

The Davis Projects for Peace award is open to all undergraduates at the 76 institutions that are part of the Davis United World College Scholars Program, including UNC-Chapel Hill. Students are invited to design grassroots projects that they will implement … Continued