Application Details

Rolling Deadline
Tentatively set for the end of May, but subject to change based on total # of applicants versus availability.

Can be used for

12 weeks or longer


U.S. Citizen

The GPA Requirement is something strongly preferred, though not actually a requirement to apply.All other requirements can be found via


The TaLK Program is unique in many ways. It is only one of two government-sponsored English programs here in South Korea, and the only program that provides an opportunity for individuals with at least 2 years of post-secondary education to come to South Korea for an once-in-a-lifetime experience. In addition, under exceptional cases, individuals are able to choose a six-month commitment, with the normal requirement lasting one-year. All participants begin their scholarship term with an intensive, month-long training which provides a safe and supervised environment for our participants to adjust to their new surroundings. The training program provides the new Scholars with information on Korean culture, education, classroom management, practical teaching experience, and much more aimed at preparing the participants for both teaching, and living in Korea.


Korean Ministry of Education

Program Coordinator
+82 2 3668 1399
Tuesday, August 2, 2016