Education New Zealand Scholarships

This scholarship is currently on hold due to COVID-19, please check back in early-2022 for information on future rounds Making plans to study in New Zealand? This program is designed to help you fund it! Generation Study Abroad students come … Continued

Fund for Education Abroad Scholarships

The Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) invests in promising students with financial need who wish to study abroad. Potential applicants who meet our eligibility requirements may participate on any international education program that meets their academic objectives. As an applicant … Continued

Mitchell Scholarship

The George J. Mitchell Scholarship Program is a national, competitive scholarship sponsored by the US-Ireland Alliance. Up to twelve Mitchell Scholars between the ages of 18 and 30 are chosen annually for one academic year of postgraduate study in any discipline … Continued

Gerald Unks Travel Fellowship Fund

The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs is pleased to administer “The Gerald Unks Undergraduate Travel Fellowship.” The awards are made to deserving Carolina students with applicable travel plans. The travel fellowship fund is made possible by the very gracious contributions of … Continued

Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship – ASC

The African Studies Center offers Academic Year and Summer Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships for graduate and undergraduate students. The priority languages for the ASC will be Arabic, Lingala, Kiswahili, and Wolof. If you are interested in other … Continued

Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship – CAC

The Academic Year FLAS Fellowship supports language study in less commonly taught languages and related area studies. The fellowship is a non-service fellowship that requires students to take one language course and one area studies course each semester during the … Continued