Truman Scholarship

The Truman Scholars Foundation gives priority to master’s and doctorate programs in public administration, public policy analysis, public health, international relations, government, economics, social services delivery, education and human resource development, and conservation and environmental protection. Students who plan to … Continued

Mitchell Scholarship

The George J. Mitchell Scholarship Program is a national, competitive scholarship sponsored by the US-Ireland Alliance. Up to twelve Mitchell Scholars between the ages of 18 and 30 are chosen annually for one academic year of postgraduate study in any discipline … Continued

Marshall Scholarships

The Marshall Scholarships finance up to 40 young Americans of high ability to study for a graduate degree in the United Kingdom. Students can apply for one or two-year scholarships, and applicant assessments are based on academic merit, leadership potential … Continued

Rhodes Scholarships

As the world’s oldest and most prestigious awards for graduate study, the Rhodes Scholarships send outstanding students from around the world to Oxford University. Based on eligibility, candidates can apply in one of 20 countries and constituencies, including but not … Continued