The Leonard G. and Rozelia S. Herring Study Abroad Award

Due to a generous endowment from Leonard G. and Rozelia S. Herring, the UNC Study Abroad office is offering an opportunity to apply for scholarships to offset the cost of a semester or year long Study Abroad program. Preference will … Continued

APPLES Service-Learning Internships

APPLES internships are unique, intense experiences in service for either the spring semester or summer. Students intern at a variety of nonprofit and governmental agencies, receive funding ($1,200 for spring and $3,000 for summer) and are enrolled in a service-learning … Continued

Gilman International Scholarship Program

This program, administered by the Institute of International Education, seeks to diversify the kinds of students who study abroad and the countries and regions where they go. Around 3,600 scholarships of up to $5,000 will be awarded for semester and … Continued

The Julia Preston Brumley Fund

The Julia Preston Brumley Fund shall provides support to students participating in a semester or summer study abroad program approved by the American Studies Curriculum and the Office of Study Abroad. Recipients, known as Julia Preston Brumley Scholars, are selected … Continued

Robert E. Bryan Fellowship

The Robert E. Bryan Fellowship in the APPLES Service-Learning program is designed for undergraduate student teams interested in creating social impact locally and/or globally through the creation of an innovative project that addresses a community-identified need. The fellowship provides practical … Continued

Udall Scholarship

Udall Scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit to two groups of students: a.) those engaged in environmental issues through perspectives of (but not limited to) policy, engineering, science, education, urban planning and renewal, business, health, justice, and economics; … Continued

Davis Projects for Peace Award

The Davis Projects for Peace award is open to all undergraduates at the 76 institutions that are part of the Davis United World College Scholars Program, including UNC-Chapel Hill. Students are invited to design grassroots projects that they will implement … Continued

Goldwater Scholarship

The Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation awards the Goldwater Scholarship, and it seeks students who display intellectual curiosity and intensity and possess potential for significant future contributions in their chosen field. Each year, 250-300 students nationwide will … Continued

Horace J. Shumate Memorial Fund

Due to a generous endowment from Carol Shumate, the UNC Study Abroad office is offering an opportunity to apply for scholarships of at least $1250 to offset the cost of a summer, semester, or year long Study Abroad program. Preference … Continued